You are one step closer to
living your most meaningful life!

Feeling confident, vibrant and free.

Living and speaking your truth.

Connecting with your higher power.

Not worrying about what other people think.

LOVING yourself!

This is possible for you.
Trust me... I didn't believe it either.

Hi, I'm Sonia...

I believe self-love is the foundation to inner peace, happiness and success. I also believe that in order to truly love yourself, you need to know who you really are, and to get in touch with your soul. I know this because I didn’t love myself. 

In fact, I used to hate myself. I used to hate my body. For most of my life I felt insecure, unlovable, and not good enough.

At age 14, I was on my first diet because I thought I was fat and ugly. I was my own worse critic, and deep down I believed I needed to the “perfect” to be loved. 

My body was developing earlier than other girls and by the time I was 16 I felt so ashamed that I convinced my mother to let me have surgery to reduce my breasts…


After the surgery everything got worse.

The surgery didn’t go as expected and they did a terrible job. They not only reduced my breasts, they basically removed them completely and left me with terrible scars.

As I was getting older and becoming a young woman, I felt even worse. I suffered from severe depression, I couldn’t enjoy my sexuality, and I had that constant feeling of not being good enough. There were moments when I was in so much pain that I rather wanted to be dead than alive.  

Several years later, I decided to do reconstruction surgery to at least make it look better. However, after several surgeries, and a lot of suffering, I still had that nagging feeling of not being good enough, and I was very unhappy… I struggled with overeating and the worse I felt about myself, the more I was eating. The more I was eating, the more I was criticizing myself and the vicious cycle continued. I believed something must be deeply wrong with me.

Now, looking back, I know I was beautiful. I was lovable. I just couldn’t see it. 

And for the longest time I believed that the surgery was the cause of all my misery, but I realized that it wasn’t the start of it all. The fact that I wanted to have this surgery as a teenager to begin with, was already the result of deep emotional pain and low self-esteem… But I didn’t know that back then.

I was tired of not feeling good enough.

I came to the point where I didn’t want to live like this anymore. Deep down I knew there had to be another way.

It wasn’t until I decided to do the deeper inner work that everything changed for me!

I remember that day clearly…

I was 26 years old and I was on vacation with my boyfriend at the time. We were on a beautiful, little island in Thailand, and there was no one else around us. Imagine this…

White, soft sand, beautiful tall palm trees, crystal blue water in front of my eyes and the warm sun on my skin… I was sitting on the beach thinking: “Wow, this should be the most romantic day of my life!”

But the truth is, I wasn’t enjoying any of it! The only thing I was thinking about in that moment, was how bad I was feeling about myself. 

And in that moment I decided to do whatever it takes to love myself! 

Back then, I didn’t believe it was possible for me. I didn’t believe that I could ever love myself. I didn’t even have a concept of how that could look like. But I knew, either I learn how to love myself, or I die. 

That’s how I started my journey… 

I got out of my misery.

Step by step I freed myself from the chains of my inner critic, I released limiting beliefs, emotions, and trauma from the past and I started to feel better in my body. 

It didn’t happen overnight

Deep transformation takes time. It takes courage. It takes commitment. And the truth is, it isn’t always easy.

But today I’m in love with inner work. I’m in love with myself

I enjoy life in a way I could have never imagined! 

Doing the inner work is the most rewarding, most fulfilling and the most meaningful thing you can do–Not only for yourself, but also for your family, your relationships, your business, and for the healing of our planet.

On my journey of healing and transformation I encountered many different modalities, teachers, therapies, and spiritual concepts. 

And the two things that made the biggest difference for me was learning about energy, and the connection to something higher than myself. Something beyond my physical body, beyond my personality , beyond my mind. 

When I started my journey I didn’t have the intention to become a coach or healer myself, I was just a total mess and I wanted to feel better about myself. 

But my soul had other plans for me… 

I discovered my purpose.

Through my own healing and profound transformation I developed the desire to help other women and men to do the same. 

I felt a deep calling, an inner urge, to share my experience, my knowledge, and my gift with the world. 

I wanted to bring more love and light into this world. 

I wanted to make a difference. 

If I knew then what I know now, I could have saved myself a lot of time and suffering on my way from hell to heaven…

However, I am grateful. 

I am grateful because it made me the woman I am today, and without it I wouldn’t have discovered my purpose and I wouldn’t be able to help you the way I do. 

My passion is to help you liberate yourself, and connect to your Higher Selfso you can share your unique gift and make an impact in the world!

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been on your healing journey for a while. You are committed. You want to make a difference. And even though you’ve been working on yourself, you still feel like you’re not good enough, or like something is missing…

And, you’re ready to go deeper…

You want to fully trust yourself and follow your own divine guidance.

You want to speak your truth and express yourself powerfully.

You want to raise your energy and feel healthy, vibrant and strong.

You want to love yourself.

You want to be free. 

Let's continue the journey together...

If this sounds like you, I invite you to continue the journey together…

I invite you to meditate with me.

Everything is energy. Everything. Every thought, every emotion, every dis-ease. Every so called “problem” is a disconnection from your source energy. The solution is to bring your energy back to center and to reconnect to your heart and soul. 

Energy based meditation is one of the most powerful tools I know, and I want to give you my guided meditation “My Gift of Love” as a welcome gift. 

This meditation will help you shift your energy and to reconnect with yourself.

Enjoy the journey!

Much love,

Shift your energy with my FREE Self-Love Meditation
and start feeling good NOW!